How Much Does An Attorney Charge to File Asylum?

Written by  //  May 11, 2021  //  Business  //  Comments Off on How Much Does An Attorney Charge to File Asylum?

Immigration attorneys charge a case based on its type. The average immigration fee ranges from $150 to $300 maximum per hour, and some charge an extra 30-minute consultation fee ranging from $75 to $150. Given that every lawyer is paid depending on the immigration type of case, services and assistance needed, and time allotment, filing for asylum charges a higher price.

Average Charge to File Asylum

An asylum application ranges from $1000 minimum to $3000 maximum. This amount includes expenses for documentation and filing, interview assistance, application services, evidence for asylum officials, and other mandatory requirements. Unlike other immigration cases, filing for asylum or Form I-589 is free of charge. The free filing fee will be provided when your case does not have any discrepancies. Otherwise, other fees may arise. These discrepancies can be filing after one year of your latest arrival, unlawful port of entry, or presence of criminal records. There is also a possibility to pay a Biometrics Fee charged at $85, or it may be free for your application.

There can also be a petition fee charged by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for an asylum grant. USCIS is heavily funded by application and petition fees secondary to the officials that would require you to interview you and your application. Asylum attorneys charge the asylum interview preparation not just for themselves but also for your briefing.

Often, asylum officials extract information as much as they can get to provide a reason for eligibility. An attorney will assist you on what to emphasize in the interview and how you would present your claims with solid evidence. Asylum lawyers often rate their services from how complex your case is. The case’s complexity can vary from time consumption, lack or diminished support of evidence, falsification of immigration documents or individual’s reason does not meet the refugee standards of the United States. Cases similar to these may charge a thousand more due to the amount of work required.

Additionally, when your case is most likely to be in removal proceedings, the fees would initially increase. When you are in removal proceedings, your attorney would have to settle your status in the court and prepare legal briefs for all pieces of evidence.

Other Fees Included in Filing for Asylum

In some cases, a medical or physical examination can be compelling evidence to support your persecution in your home country. Your attorney also charges these examinations as this is a part of his or her service. Another fee that can be added is hiring an expert witness in the court to back up your claims further. As this is an expert, he or she will receive payment as well.


Applying for asylum is generally on a case-to-case basis. Therefore, an immigration attorney charges differently per case handled. If you are to hire a legal representative for assistance in application and court, it would be necessary for you to ask as many questions as possible on how they will approach your case. It would be easier for you to determine their services’ requirements and initial cost depending on their approach.

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